Employment Services

We offer a wide range of employment programs and services to help job seekers obtain labour market information, job search techniques and skills training, and eventually find jobs that are right for them.

Areas of Services:

  • Sector-specific skills training programs
  • Employability and job search skills workshops (resume, cover letter, interview prep and more) for youth and adults
  • One-on-One Employment counselling, career exploration, and job referral
  • Self-employment and small business workshops
Employment Programs:
  • S.O.A.R. (Skills, Opportunities, Action plan, Resources) Project Details

Services for Employers

We assist employers in hiring people with the skills they need through the following services:
  • Job matching and qualification screening
  • Job posting board
  • Hiring events and Job Fair

If you would like to know more about our employment services, please email carmen.zeng@cicscanada.com .